Thursday, October 30, 2008

Guess it's goodbye...

Well I found almost everyone of the journals that I followed at AOL. Still missing a couple of people and I can't find them for nothing. I was trying to add everyone, even those whose journals I did not frequently comment on but still read, or tried to read, faithfully. So if you came across my journal here because you found me as a follower ... I might have been one of your lurkers at Jland lol.

I also imported my journal again and gave the second one a new name. I'm seriously thinking of starting fresh here and just deleting all the Jland posts. Still haven't decided for sure so for now I have the other as a placeholder just in case.

I have started to make some rounds. I left a few of you comments, others I have just added to my following for now. I will be catching up this weekend and will be sure to leave comments as I do. I need some help from some of you Jlanders. I am looking for these folks so I can find their new journals. If you know where they are please let me know. I would really appreciate it.

1. Kelli from noonmom
2. Linda from The Long Climb Back Up - she had a house fire and loves Pooh - ring any bells?
3. Jami from My Crazy Hectic Life
4. Chrissie from ALMOST Paradise II - I found her tag journal and emailed her from a trash can post I still had on AOL. But I don't know if she still has AOL or not. :-(

I know... nothing like waiting till the LAST minute to find everyone right? Had I been keeping up with journals, including my own, instead of withdrawing from the world... Anyways let me know if you know where these gals are!

Have a great night!


  1. Hi Jenna!!
    I'm glad I found you!!

    IF you look on my followers you will find Linda -she has a new journal name -My thoughtful spot I think its called- and Jamie is on there too - and Kellie and Chrissie too!

    I'm sorry you have been feeling bad - - you should write whether yoru feeling negative or not - thats what we are here for.

    I do the same thing though - I keep alot of the bad stuff to my self - and keeep my journal cheerful and then I end up Exploding lol -I have to stop that and take my own advice huh?

    Take care and glad your here!!!




    this is Kelli's blog; she changed her name; thanks for finding me considering this is my second journal here, LOL

    if you can't find the other two let me know and I'll send Linda's blog link to you; she's visiting her daughter now at Disney :)


  3. Here I am!! I'm following you now. I don't know why the link wouldn't let you in, but I'll add it here on the bottom. Actually, I think that was the AOL link to the old jland journal and I just blocked it completely and started over. You're on the new one. As long as you don't change your email you should still be able to sign in. Some of those people you are looking for you can find in my followers. I still check the AOL until they cut me off I'm a FREE one. So we'll see how long it lasts with them getting rid of everything else.
    Take care, Chrissie is my other email if you have problems

  4. Okay I looked and I didn't see your email so just shot you a fresh invite. Hope you get it.
    Take care, Chrissie
